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Simple Tactic: Surrounding Towers

This is for those of you who haven't figured this out on your own. Surrounding towers makes them soooo much more useful.

When a guard tower is surrounded by farms, two or three good things come of it. First, there is the fact that it gives guard or cannon towers the time it takes to kill a farm before the attackers get it at it. During this time that the attackers are trying to chop through the farms the get shot at without anything to do about it. The second advantage is that the farms are protected by the tower(s). This makes them almost impossible to be killed early in the game. The third advantage only applies to cannon towers. Cannon towers have a minimum range, in case you didnt know. Its not noticed much since it also has a splash damage, so it hurts all the surrounding tiles. But when surrounded by farms, the attackers get hit with the full force of the attack.

But nothing is without at least one disadvantage. When surrounded by farms, towers become impossible to be repaired if they are hit by arrows of ballista(or in the case of orcs, a catapult). This leaves a barrier of farms around your tower, immensely decreasing its life-span.

However, after it is all added up, that makes the advantages +2 (or 3) to a -1 disadvantage, making it overall a good idea. The numbers even show it. (If you cant add, 2-1= 1, 3-1=2, both leaving more good than bad.)

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